====== Getting Started Guide for iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3 ======
Setting up iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3 is very easy.
===== Setting Up For The First Time =====
When you open iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3 for the first time, you will be prompted with a **Getting Started Wizard** screen.
This **Getting Started Wizard** will collect your license key information, company contact information, and your user log-in information.
- ** License Key Information ** - License key will be provided to you when you purchase the full version.
- ** Company Contact Information ** - This company contact information is important for us to contact you.
- ** User Log-In Information ** - You will be required to input your username and password to be verified every time you open iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3.
===== Adding A New Company =====
{{ :isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:company-01-s.png?300|Click on the Add Co. button to add a new company}} After you have setup ezyCheque at the **Getting Started Wizard**, click on the **''Add Co.''** button to add new company at the **Company Selection** screen.
You will be prompted with a **Add New Company Wizard** screen which will collect the following information from you:
- ** New Company Type ** - select New Company with Clean Data.
- ** Company Information ** - the new company information.
- ** Company Logo ** - the company logo to be shown in Payment Voucher.
- ** Settings for Running Number ** - running number format for Payment Voucher.
- ** Database Master Password ** - password to protect the company database.
After you have fill up all the information, click **''Finish''** to create the company. Double click the company you just created in the **Company Selection** screen to open.
===== Creating A New Bank =====
You will need to create a bank record in order to start writing a cheque. Click on **''Banks Setup''** button on the main screen to open up the **Banks Setup** screen and click **''Add''** button to create a new bank.
You will be prompted with a **Bank Setup Wizard** screen. Please follow the steps below completely to understand how ezyCheque works for cheque's alignment setup. You can go to the [[isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:user_guide:bank_setup|user guide]] for advance details.
- Key in the ''Bank Name'', ''Bank Code'', ''Account Number'', ''Branch'' (the branch of the bank), and ''Current Cheque #''.\\ \\ ''Bank Code'' is unique. \\ \\ ''Current Cheque #'' will be used and saved in the Payment Voucher.
- Select the ''Printer Name'' and ''Paper Source'' to be used to print the cheque and click **''Next >''**.\\ \\ Select the ''Paper Source'' only if your printer has a separate paper tray for the cheques. Else leave it empty.
- Select the ''Template'' radio button and the available template listed. For example, if you are adding a Malayan Banking Berhad's cheque, select ''Malayan Banking Berhad.ebf''. Click **''Next >''** to continue.\\ \\ If your bank are not listed and you are adding a Malaysian bank's cheque, select ''Manual Adjustment'' radio button and click **''Next >''**. \\ :!: For other countries bank's cheque, you might need to adjust the date type and cheque size.
- If you are adding a Malaysian cheque either with a ''Template'', or ''Manual Adjustment'', click **''Next >''** again to skip this **Adjust Cheque's Fields Location** page.\\ \\ The fields are all adjusted accordingly for Malaysian cheque and you do not need to adjust anything.If you are adding other countries bank's cheque, please follow the advance steps in [[isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:user_guide:bank_setup|user guide]] to adjust the fields.
- You will come to the **Adjust Cheque's Printing Location** page. Select the printing ''Orientation'' and adjust the cheque location in ''Quick Align'' buttons base on your printer type and cick **''Next >''**.\\ \\ This page is important to make sure the cheque is printed correctly. You might need to test print several times to make this setting correct. The steps for this setting has been created in a separate section here - **[[#adjust_cheque_s_printing_location|Adjust Cheque's Printing Location]]**. Please go to the section to fully understand and follow the steps before continue the following steps.
- Select your preferred amount in word's language and security style and click **''Next >''**.\\ \\
- Click **''Finish''** to complete the wizard. :!: You will need to wait for a few second for ezyCheque to complete this task.
===== Adjust Cheque's Printing Location =====
Cheque's Printing Location adjustment is the key step to make sure the cheque is printed correctly.
Below is a quick guide adjustment for each printers. Please follow the following instruction to set correctly.
^ Printer Type ^ Orientation ^ Cheque's Location ^
| Laser Printer | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-portrait.png?nolink|}}\\ {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-canon-lbp2900_portrait_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque portrait placement for laser printer}} | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-middle-left.png?nolink|}} |
| ::: | ::: | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-middle-right.png?nolink|}} |
| Ink Jet Printer | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-portrait.png?nolink|}}\\ {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-hp3550_portrait_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque portrait placement for inkjet printer}} | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-bottom-right.png?nolink|}} |
| Dot-Matrix Printer | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-portrait.png?nolink|}}\\ {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-kx-p1121_portrait_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque portrait placement for dot-matrix printer}} | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-bottom-right.png?nolink|}} |
| ::: | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-landscape.png?nolink|}}\\ {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-kx-p1121_landscape_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque landscape placement for dot-matrix printer}} | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-top-left.png?nolink|}} |
==== Laser Printer ====
Most of the laser printers in the market has a secondary tray for envelop or single paper and has a limited feeding mechanism. Hence, below is the recommended setting for laser printer:
^ Orientation: | Portrait |
^ Cheque's Location: | Middle-Left or Middle-Right |
^ Cheque Placement: | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-canon-lbp2900_portrait_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque portrait placement for laser printer}} |
At the **Bank's Setup** -> **Bank Setup Wizard** -> **Adjust Cheque's Printing Location**:
- Set the ''Orientation'' to //''Portrait''// {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-radio-portrait.png?nolink|Cheque Orientation - Portrait}}, and click on the **''Middle-Left''** button {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-button-middle-left.png?nolink|Quick Align Middle-Left button}} in the ''Quick Align'' section.
- Insert a void / cancelled cheque in the center of the laser printer's secondary tray (or primary tray if your laser printer just has one standard tray). If you do not have a void or cancelled cheque, you can print a mock cheque by clicking on the **''Print Mock Cheque''** button. You will need to cut the mock cheques out from the A4 paper and place it in the printer's tray.
- Click **''Print Sample''** button to test print and check whether all the labels are printed in the correct alignment.
- If the labels are printed upside down, insert the same cheque but in reverse direction. Click **''Print Sample''** to test print again. Else, go to the next step.
- If the labels can't be seen or printed far away in the cheque, adjust the location of the cheque by clicking on the **''Middle-Right''** button {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-button-middle-right.png?nolink|Quick Align Middle-Right button}} in the ''Quick Align''. Else, go to the next step.
- If the labels are now mostly visible printed on the cheque, but the whole alignment is out, let's say a little away to the left, adjust the //''Left''// value in ''Cheque Location'', adding the value in CM or inches. If it is a little away vertically to the top, adjust the //''Top''// value in ''Cheque Location'', adding the value in CM or inches.
- Insert the void / cancelled / mock cheque in the printer's tray and **''Print Sample''** again. Repeat **step 6** and **step 7** until all the labels are printed correctly.
- Click **''Next >''** and **''Finish''** button to save the setting.
==== Inkjet Printer ====
Most single functioned inkjet printers has a feeding tray located at the top back of the printer, and has limited feeding mechanism. Hence, below is the recommended setting for inkjet printer:
^ Orientation: | Portrait |
^ Cheque's Location: | Bottom-Left |
^ Cheque Placement: | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-hp3550_portrait_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque portrait placement for inkjet printer}} |
At the **Bank's Setup** -> **Bank Setup Wizard** -> **Adjust Cheque's Printing Location** screen:
- Set the ''Orientation'' to //''Portrait''// {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-radio-portrait.png?nolink|Cheque Orientation - Portrait}}, and click on the **''Bottom-Left''** button {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-button-bottom-left.png?nolink|Quick Align Bottom-Left button}} in the ''Quick Align'' section.
- Insert a void / cancelled cheque to the side of the inkjet printer's tray. If you do not have a void or cancelled cheque, you can print a mock cheque by clicking on the **''Print Mock Cheque''** button. You will need to cut the mock cheques out from the A4 paper and place it in the printer's tray.
- Click **''Print Sample''** button to test print and check whether all the labels are printed in the correct alignment.
- If the labels are printed upside down, insert the same cheque but in reverse direction. Click **''Print Sample''** to test print again. Else, go to the next step.
- If the labels are now mostly visible printed on the cheque, but the whole alignment is out, let's say a little away to the right, adjust the //''Left''// value in ''Cheque Location'', subtracting the value in CM or inches. If it is a little away vertically to the bottom, adjust the //''Top''// value in ''Cheque Location'', subtracting the value in CM or inches.
- Insert the void / cancelled / mock cheque in the printer's tray and **''Print Sample''** again. Repeat **step 5** and **step 6** until all the labels are printed correctly.
- Click **''Next >''** and **''Finish''** button to save the setting.
==== Dot-Matrix Printer ====
Most dot-matrix printers has a feeding tray located at the top-back of the printer, and has a steady paper feeding mechanism. Hence, below is the recommended setting for dot-matrix printer:
^ ^ Setting 1 ^ Setting 2 ^
^ Orientation: | Portrait | Landscape |
^ Cheque's Location: | Bottom-Left | Top-Left |
^ Cheque Placement: | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-kx-p1121_portrait_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque portrait placement for dot-matrix printer}} | {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:cp-kx-p1121_landscape_thumbnail.jpg?nolink|Sample cheque landscape placement for dot-matrix printer}} |
At the **Bank's Setup** -> **Bank Setup Wizard** -> **Adjust Cheque's Printing Location** screen:
- Set the ''Orientation'' to //''Portrait''// {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-radio-portrait.png?nolink|Cheque Orientation - Portrait}}, and click on the **''Bottom-Left''** button {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-button-bottom-left.png?nolink|Quick-Align Bottom-Left button}} in the ''Quick Align'' section.\\ Or set the ''Orientation'' to //''Landscape''// {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-orientation-radio-landscape.png?nolink|Cheque Orientation - Landscape}}, and click on the **''Top-Left''** button {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:banksetup-location-button-top-left.png?nolink|Quick Align Top-Left button}} in the ''Quick Align'' section.
- Insert a void / cancelled cheque to the zero (0) mark of the dot-matrix printer's tray, upside-down (cheque face facing down). Place the cheque base on the Orientation you set at //step 1//. If you do not have a void or cancelled cheque, you can print a mock cheque by clicking on the **''Print Mock Cheque''** button. You will need to cut the mock cheques out from the A4 paper and place it in the printer's tray.
- Click **''Print Sample''** button to test print and check whether all the labels are printed in the correct alignment.
- If the labels are printed upside down, insert the same cheque but in reverse direction. Click **''Print Sample''** to test print again. Else, go to the next step.
- If the labels are now mostly visible printed on the cheque, but the whole alignment is out, let's say a little away to the right, adjust the //''Left''// value in ''Cheque Location'', subtracting the value in CM or inches. If it is a little away vertically to the top, adjust the //''Top''// value in ''Cheque Location'', adding the value in CM or inches.
- Insert the void / cancelled / mock cheque in the printer's tray and **''Print Sample''** again. Repeat **step 5** and **step 6** until all the labels are printed correctly.
- Click **''Next >''** and **''Finish''** button to save the setting.
===== Writing A Cheque =====
Writing a cheque with iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3 is very fast and easy. You will be able to write and save cheque record at the **Company Main** screen - right afer you select the company.
At the **Company Main** screen:
- Key in the ''cheque date'', ''payee's name'', and ''cheque amount'' in the **''Cheque''** section.
- Key in the ''invoice number'', ''invoice date'', ''payment description'', and ''invoice amount'' in the **''Payment Voucher''** section. The total of line items amount in **''Payment Voucher''** should equal to the ''cheque amount''.You can quickly copy the ''cheque amount'' to the **''Payment Voucher''** line item by clicking on the **''Copy Amount''** button.
- Click **''Write''** to preview the cheque. Insert the cheque bearing the cheque number shown in the **Print Preview** screen in the printer's tray and click **''Print''**.The payee's name, cheque's detail, and payment voucher will be saved automatically after you print the cheque.
===== Printing Payment Voucher =====
At the **Company Main** screen, click on **''PV Records''** button or menu ''Bank'' -> ''PV Records'' to open **Payment Voucher Records** screen.
* Double click at the record that you wish to print the payment voucher and click **''Print PV''** button. Or;
* Select the record that you wish to print the payment voucher at the **Payment Voucher Records** sceen and click **''Print PV''** button.\\ Select more than one records in **Payment Voucher Records** screen to print them in bulk.
===== Saving Payee's Details =====
Payee's details such as address, phone number, fax number and email address will be shown in payment voucher. The details will be an aid for payment voucher issuer to contact the payee.
There are two ways to save payee's details:
- Click on the {{:isquare_ezycheque_standard_3:main-recipient-quick-edit.png?nolink|Edit Recipient's Details button}} button on the right side of ''Payee's Name'' in **Company Main** screen to open **Payee Record** screen. Key in the details and click **''Save''**. Or;
- click on the **''Payees List''** button or menu ''Tools'' -> ''Payees List'' at the **Company Main** screen to open **Payees List** screen. Click **''Add''** button to add new payee details, or **''Edit''** to edit the selected record.