====== Version History ====== This page lists the version history of iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3 release. ===== (2013-09-17) ===== **Bugfixes:** * Bug Fix: Error when providing empty license key in Getting Started Wizard. * Bug Fix: Error when printing created transaction if "Created" filter is selected. * Bug Fix: When connecting to server timeout, clicking Previous button will not disable Finish button and enable Next button. ===== (2013-08-29) ===== **New enhancement and bugfixes:** * Minor Enhancement: PV Details can be moved or insert in the middle. * Minor Enhancement: The selected PV record will remain selected after editing, saving and close it. * Minor Enhancement: Payment Voucher can be printed in A4 (Portrait) paper size. * Minor Enhancement: Payment Voucher's total amount is shown after the details' lines. * Bug Fix: Some system showing log-in windows after the software run some times. * Bug Fix: Print Date and Print PV button is not activated back after a new PV is saved. * Bug Fix: Negative value in PV Details is not shown as negative in the windows. * Bug Fix: When existing cheque is save twice with new PV Details, duplicate PV Details will be saved and error shown in printing PV. * Bug Fix: Menu About is not opening the proper page in Options windows. ===== (2013-08-05) ===== **New enhancement and bugfixes:** * Enhancement: Add customizable Payment Voucher authorizing signature. * Enhancement: Report's cheque number show Bank Code only when printing All Banks report. * Bug Fix: Field adjustment information message box shown when wizard just started. * Bug Fix: Mouse wheel can't scroll cheque image if it is clicked. * Bug Fix: Grid line set in Bank's Setup Wizard is not reflected in Bank Setup form. * Bug Fix: Show multiple error if opening an invalid ezyCheque Bank File. * Bug Fix: Show error when printing a just edited payment voucher. * Bug Fix: Payment Voucher word printed too right on the paper. * Bug Fix: Windows 8 user keep showing unauthorized use of software. * Bug Fix: Record is not refreshed when print single cheque in Payment Voucher records. * Bug Fix: Busy cursor stop half way while creating a new company with sample data. ===== (2013-06-07) ===== **New features and bugfixes:** * New feature: Added multiple printing for the same payment voucher. * New feature: Added double payment voucher printing on an A4 paper for original-copy purpose. * Enhancement: Valid licensed User do not need to setup again after a fresh install. * Bug Fix: Showing license has been used on another computer although it is a valid license. * Bug Fix: Payment Voucher cannot be printed from the user selected printer's tray. ===== (2013-05-28) ===== * BugFix: Date is not visible if Date Type changed in Bank Setup.