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Downloading ezyCheque

Trial Version

iSquare ezyCheque Standard Edition 3 is a shareware that gives new user a limited time of 15 days to try and evaluate the program. You can download this trial version from the following link

When the trial period ends, ezyCheque can still be launched and used but you cannot print new cheques. You need to purchase ezyCheque to continue using the full features. Please submit a purchase order from a button in the ezyCheque software or directly from this

Full Version

The download link for full version is available in our Account Management System.

You will be given a License Key after you have purchase the full version.

Use the given License Key and your Email address to log-in to the Account Management System.

Installing ezyCheque

Migrating Data

isquare_ezycheque_standard_3/user_guide/2_installing_ezycheque.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/21 03:14 (external edit)